MPG Employee Award Ceremony 2022

MPG’s Update, (Bogor, 5 June 2023) – In a celebration of achievement and dedication, MPG is proud to present the prestigious “MPG Best Employee of the Year” award to outstanding individuals who have been selected. This prestigious award is prove of MPG commitment to recognize and honor employee dedication to the company. This celebration and […]
Fire Drill Training – How to Use a Simple Fire Extinguishers

MPG’s Update, Bogor (21/3) – The use of simple fire extinguishers (APAR) is a basic knowledge that must be known by all workers in various lines of business and all levels in facing fire accidents. A few days ago, MPG conducted APAR training that was led by Chief Security and involved several representatives from each […]
MPG Participates in ICMF 2022, Supporting the Goal of Cultivating Young Generation’s Interest in Financial Literacy

Tangerang (20/11) – On the collaboration of three well-known universities in Indonesia, Indonesian Capital Market Festival 2022 (ICMF) has been held well. The university are, University of Indonesia, Bina Nusantara University and Prasetiya Mulya University. As well as the support of TernakUang as a learning platform for investing in stocks and managing finances. In an […]