MPG's Update | Bogor, 29 July 2023. In order to uphold one of MPG's core values "Asset to People", MPG actively organizes information forums for its employees to develop their knowledge, soft skills and other potentials. Through an activity initiated by the Learning and Development team on Saturday, 29 July 2023, MPG is presenting an Upgrading Class which is held via zoom meeting access.

The Upgrading Class activity was filled by speaker Miftakhul Khoirun Niffa as a Tax Officer at MPG. Mifta shared information, experiences and other matters regarding Brevet A&B (Taxation).
“The information presented was quite clear and added to my knowledge. Especially on PPH 26 which I just found out about.” said Dimas as Procurement Officer at MPG. Siti Nurbaiti, as the procurement officer at MPG also said that, "This sharing session has broadened my knowledge about taxation. All of the answer was given also very satisfying.”
MPG, as one of the fastest growing aluminum companies, always tries to shape the character of its employees who are active and highly innovative. Through this MPG Upgrading Class, we hope that all employees will get information easily, especially to support their work roles at MPG.
MPG, Always Far Ahead!