On February 1, 2024, MPG had the opportunity to participate in the highest forum of the members of Indonesian Consultants Association (INKINDO) in Province of Riau, held at Hotel Pangeran, Pekanbaru.

The forum of INKINDO members was officially opened by Ir. H. Eri Heryadi, the National Board of Directors of INKINDO. In his address, he emphasized the crucial role of INKINDO, as an independent consulting association in Indonesia, in overseeing consultancy services in both construction and non-construction sectors.

MPG shared experiences, education, and exchanged ideas with the visitors present. The goal was to listen to the community's needs and enhance services, quality, and strive to realize those aspirations to support national development.

MPG hopes that through forums like these, shared hopes and commitments emerge from industry players and brands to cultivate quality in every job and product produced. This is essential to meet the challenges of the future construction industry, provide quality in addressing the needs of the wider community, and collaborate in building Indonesia.