MPG's Update, Bogor (21/3) - The use of simple fire extinguishers (APAR) is a basic knowledge that must be known by all workers in various lines of business and all levels in facing fire accidents. A few days ago, MPG conducted APAR training that was led by Chief Security and involved several representatives from each division of the company. Training activities were carried out at PT Evanindo Mega Persada on March 4 2023, PT Mega Niaga Sejahtera on March 11 2023 and PT Flyindo Mega Persada on March 18 2023.

The purpose of the training is to provide all employees with knowledge on how to deal with fire accidents using fire extinguishers. With the hope, the fire drill knowledge can be applied in emergency situations in the work environment and in general. Before starting the activity, participants were given a pre-test to measure the extent of their knowledge about fire accidents.

They were given information about fires, including the types of fires, the causes of fires and what to do if a fire occurs. They also got the opportunity to participate in a fire drill using wet sacks and APAR. A post-test was held to measure the understanding of the training material that had been given, at the end of the training.

MPG always strives to instill a disaster preparedness attitude in every work. We do this training in an effort to protect work safety and employee rights in accordance with the Core Value, Asset to People.